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Hopefully you won't find the need to make a complaint about our service, but should this happen we will act quickly to ensure we respond with an outcome. Our policy below sets out what to do and how we will respond.

Make a complaint

Firstly in order to make a complaint please do so via our contact page. Please give us as much information as you can about the complaint. This will help us to assist you better.

As well as including a detailed explanation please also include who is affected by the complaint, which part of our service is at fault, and how you would like us to respond.

How we handle complaints

Once we have received your complaint, we aim to acknowledge your complaint within two working days. At this stage we also may require extra information from you depending on what was submitted at the time of the initial complaint.

After which the investigation will conclude and a comprehensive response will be provided to you within 10 business days of receiving additional information. If the complaint is substantiated, appropriate step(s) will be taken to resolve the issue.

Certain complaints might necessitate additional time for us to devise a solution, particularly those pertaining to the more technical facets of the comparison tool.

Occasionally, the cause of the complaint may not be within our scope, and instead, it could be linked to the retailer or provider from whom you purchased your contract. In these situations, we'll supply you with the appropriate contact details, allowing you to directly address your concerns with the retailer or provider, as they are better equipped to resolve the issue.